Happy Thanksgiving!!!
We truly have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. On 11/9, our agency got a new list of waiting children. Although we were close to referral, I took a look and fell in love with a little girl. I called Mike to the computer room to see her picture and asked if he thought we should request her file. I called the agency and was emailed her file. We brought her file to our doctor the following week, decided to ask for a match and let our social worker know. The next day (Friday), I got a call at work telling me we'd been matched! It was 2:00 and the OT was leading a group in my class. The secretary asked if I could take a call and I did since no one calls me at work if it's not important. I was so shocked! I knew that they had to have a matching meeting internally so I hadn't thought I'd hear that quickly. I think I said "awesome" and "thankyou" 100 times. Of course, I didn't think of the questions to ask until after we'd hung up*S* I went back into the classroom and told them that I have a baby girl. I went to call Mike and my mom. Mike picked up our paperwork to fill out the LOI (letter of intent) on Monday. I sent it back on Tuesday by UPS. Hopefully, the LOI will be sent to China very, very soon so we can get to the next stage (travel approval!). When I got home from school on Friday after getting the phone call, Jason asked me if he could go to his friend's house. I said that he had to see something first and showed him her picture. He was so excited! I hadn't told him we were asking to be matched before the call in case we weren't matched by our agency. I can't say very much about our daughter until we get TA (or PA but I've heard we may not get an official preapproval since we'd already gone through the review room). All I can say is that I saw this little girl, knew she was our daughter, and thank God for answering our prayers.