Travel Plans!!!!!
We got our itinerary from our agency. There are 3 families in total in our group. One family is going to the same province we are; the other family we'll meet in Beijing and then again in Guangzhou.
Day 1: Fly to Beijing from Boston through Chicago. We stay at the Wang Fu Jing Hotel. It's right outside Tian An Men Square and the Forbidden City.
Day 2: Sightseeing at the Great Wall and going to see an acrobatic show.
Day 3: Morning sightseeing the Summer Palace and off to Jinan in the afternoon. We're staying at the Quancheng Hotel.
Day 4: MEET THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!! Registration and notarization. I don't see a lot of sleep coming my way the night before*S*
Day 5 & 6: Local sightseeing.
Day 7: Vist the SWI. I am very thankful that we are able to do this. I know so many SWIs don't allow it and I think this one even allows pictures to be taken.
Day 8: Get legal documents
Day 9: Fly to Guangzhou. Staying at the White Swan
Day 10: Local sightseeing
Day 11: Photos and physicals
Day 12: visa
Day 13: Swearing in ceremony, get visas. The rest of the group is flying back to Beijing this day. We're staying an extra night at the White Swan.
Day 14: Take train to Hong Kong. Staying at Hollywood Hotel, Disneyland.
Day 15: Hong Kong
Day 16: Hong Kong
Day 17: Fly home. We fly out on March 11 at around 6 pm and arrive in Boston on March 11 around midnight - sounds like a short trip instead of the 18 hours it really is. We're going to stay in a hotel near the airport that night rather than try to get through customs, get a cab, get to the in-laws where our car is and drive home.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Shopping, shopping, shopping!!!
I bought a carseat at Babies R Us. I'd looked at so many and heard good things about Britax so that's what I went with. I don't think Mike was thrilled that I chose the pink "Olivia" version but I had offered him the chance to come shopping with me*S* I also bought a pack and play for when we travel. We had one for Jason that we used a lot. Not so much to be used as a playpen but for somewhere to sleep when at Nana's or in hotels.
I found the Easter dress I want to buy but I need to wait until she is home to get it because we won't be getting an updated height/weight so I have no idea what will fit her. I'm going shopping with a friend while our kids are at karate. I'm going to buy some basics for the trip (onesies, socks, pants, sleepers) in different sizes and just keep the receipts.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
We have TA!!!!!
We received travel approval yesterday and will be traveling either late February or early March. We were given the option of going with the next larger group in April but I don't have any intention of waiting that long! There will be another family traveling with us to the same SWI and another with us for part of the trip as they're going to a different province. We're going in next week to sign the referral packet. I am hoping that we get updated height and weight so I can do some more shopping!!! I bought two books about attachment in adoptive parenting. I should probably get cracking on those*S* Now that I have TA, we're allowed to share more info so here goes:
Chinese name: Fu Kang Chan
Name will be Jessica Kangchan
Birthdate: 9/23/05
Province: Jinan
SWI: Jinan
I'll put the height and weight once we get the updated (if we do). The info I have is from when she was 8 months old.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
My Baby Shower
My mom, mother-in-law, and sister-in-law threw me a shower at my in-laws' house yesterday. I had a great time and Jessica has some wonderful things to come home to. I got to see some friends that I don't get to see often which was really nice.
I love Edible Arrangements. The strawberries were really juice and sweet.
Present time! For anyone who knows me, they'll see that I took this picture at my home instead of at the shower. While I'm usually the picture taker, I didn't take many pics yesterday as I was too busy talking, eating and opening presents. One of my friends took a lot and she'll send them to me.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
I saw this on another blog and the owner said that people could steal it for themselves so I did.
A is for age: 39
B is for Beer: Yuck, can't get past the smell.
C is for Career: Special Needs Teacher. I'm currently working with preschoolers who are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders
D is for my Dog’s Name: I have a stuffed dog named Fluffy. We're (or rather I'm since DS would love a dog) not dog people; I'm strictly a cat person. DH would rather have no pets.
E is for Essential Item I Use Everyday: computer
F is for Favorite T.V. Show:Desperate Housewives, Days of Our Lives
G is for Favorite Game:Disney Scene It.
H is for Hometown: Melrose, MA
I is for Instruments I Play: none :( I took guitar for a little bit but didn't stick with it. I really wish I had.
J is for Favorite Juice: mango
K is for Whose Butt I’d Like To Kick: people who think teachers are overpaid and underworked
L is for the Last Place I Ate: Percy's Place
M is for Marriage:11 years in March
N is for my Name:Paula
O is for Overnight Hospital Stays: 1969? asthma attack, 1998 - c-section
P is for People I was With Today: Jason, Mike
Q is for Quote: "Life is a celebration"
R is for Biggest Regret: Not going away to college
S is for Sport: gymnastics
Tis for Time I Woke Up Today:8:90
U is for Current Underwear:Hanes
V is for Vegetable You Love:red peppers
W is for Worst Habit:Junk food.
X is for X-rays I Have Had:neck for injury in high school, foot for heel spur, chest for pneumonia
Y is for Yummy Food You Ate Today:homemade chicken cordon bleu
Z is for Zodiac:Cancer
I saw this on another blog and the owner said that people could steal it for themselves so I did.
A is for age: 39
B is for Beer: Yuck, can't get past the smell.
C is for Career: Special Needs Teacher. I'm currently working with preschoolers who are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders
D is for my Dog’s Name: I have a stuffed dog named Fluffy. We're (or rather I'm since DS would love a dog) not dog people; I'm strictly a cat person. DH would rather have no pets.
E is for Essential Item I Use Everyday: computer
F is for Favorite T.V. Show:Desperate Housewives, Days of Our Lives
G is for Favorite Game:Disney Scene It.
H is for Hometown: Melrose, MA
I is for Instruments I Play: none :( I took guitar for a little bit but didn't stick with it. I really wish I had.
J is for Favorite Juice: mango
K is for Whose Butt I’d Like To Kick: people who think teachers are overpaid and underworked
L is for the Last Place I Ate: Percy's Place
M is for Marriage:11 years in March
N is for my Name:Paula
O is for Overnight Hospital Stays: 1969? asthma attack, 1998 - c-section
P is for People I was With Today: Jason, Mike
Q is for Quote: "Life is a celebration"
R is for Biggest Regret: Not going away to college
S is for Sport: gymnastics
Tis for Time I Woke Up Today:8:90
U is for Current Underwear:Hanes
V is for Vegetable You Love:red peppers
W is for Worst Habit:Junk food.
X is for X-rays I Have Had:neck for injury in high school, foot for heel spur, chest for pneumonia
Y is for Yummy Food You Ate Today:homemade chicken cordon bleu
Z is for Zodiac:Cancer
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