Some parents who had been in our agency's waiting families group decided to start a playgroup after they came home. I have only been able to go one other time because they're during the week and, during the school year, I am teaching. The playgroup meets twice a month and with summer being such a busy time, I wasn't able to make the earlier ones this summer. But, I did get to go yesterday and instead of being at the adoption agency, it was held on the beach in Hull. One of the members has a summer place there so we met at her house, went to the beach, and then washed off in her outdoor shower and put on clean clothes which was very nice. One of the parts I hate about going to the beach is sitting in the car wet and sandy. Mike was off so he came as well. Jason missed it since he's still at camp but hopefully we'll be able to go to at least one of the ones in August which will also be at the beach. Jess liked the ocean at first but then decided she liked playing on the sand better. There were a lot of waves and I got hit a couple of times by some big ones.
Can't forget the sunscreen!
Daddy and Jess on the way to the water
Jumping in the waves
Taking off with someone's sand toys