Saturday, April 26, 2008

April Vacation
The schools around here have been on break all week. It's definitely been a busy one. Last Saturday I wento a friend's house for a scrapbooking crop 2-11. I got a lot done although I highly doubt I'll ever be caught up. Monday I took the kids to the Roger Williams Zoo in RI. We go there a few times a year. They're renovating it; I can't wait to see what they do. Jess's favorite part was the giraffes and the fountain where she got soaked. Tuesday I met a friend and her son for lunch. I haven't seen her in 2 years and it was great to catch up. I took Jess with me to lunch but left Jason home since he would have been bored eating with 2 toddlers. He ended up having a friend over which kept him busy. Thursday we went to the Cape. We started off at Plymouth's Hearth and Kettle for breakfast so that we'd be ready for our excursion. Next it was off to the Sandwich glass blowing museum and then a hike at the Green Briar Nature Center. Later we went to the taco bar for lunch at Sam Diegos and toured the Cape Cod Potato Chip Factory. We stopped at the Cape Cod mall so Jason could play at the arcade and the kids rode the carousel. On the way home, we stopped to buy sandals for Jason. Jess was exhausted by the time we got home and gave little fuss when it was time for bed. Friday I took Jess to the Plimoth Plantation for a couple of hours. She had fun chasing the chickens and petting the cow. She wasn't thrilled going inside the dark houses though. I went scrapbooking again that night. The week has flown by; only 36 more days until summer vacation!
Ready to start our excursion. Off for M&M pancakes!!
Resting during our hike at Green Briar.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Like it or not, you're one of us now!

Since both Mike and I traveled to China, we didn't have to readopt once in the US to make it official because it was finalized in China (if only one of us had traveled, we would have had to finalize in the US). However, in MA, you do need to readopt if you want a US birth certificate. So, off to court we went. My mom and Mike's parents joined us. I kept Jason out of school for the morning because it was important to me that we were all there. The judge asked Jason how he likes being a big brother and then talked to Mike about hockey. Jess went right up to the judge and said hi which is unusual for her. The Plymouth lawyers donate money to buy teddy bears for all of the children who are adopted. Jess loves her new teddy. Mike had to go to work afterward but the rest of us went to the Hearth and Kettle for breakfast before I dropped Jason at school and Jess at the sitter's.

Grandparents and grandkids waiting for the judge

Mike and the kids waiting

Before leaving, we got a group picture.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Robots and Princesses

Jason has been participating in an afterschool Lego Robotics program for the past month. They built robots out of legos and had them perform stunts such as going through barrels and maneuvering a lego professor onto a mat. Thursday was his rally and the family went to Plymouth South Middle to watch it. It was a bit chaotic since it was all the schools in Plymouth but it was fun.

Jason doing the YMCA

The robot

Smile for the camera!!

Lynn came to visit us on Saturday. We haven't seen her for quite a while. Here is Jess in her Princess outfit that Lynn brought.

At first I couldn't get the costume on her but she would put on the shoes. I love this picture of her looking out the door.

The princess in her cottage

The princess looking very happy with herself.

Monday, April 07, 2008


Mike had to work on Easter but he was able to get someone to stay a little late so he could be with us Easter morning. The kids were up at 6:30. Jess enjoyed her basket. I think her favorite part was the bubbles. We picked my mom up at her hotel and went to church. I had planned on going to the 8 am service figuring Jess would have me up anyway but Jason was put on the schedule to alcolyte at the 10 am service. Mike couldn't come because he had to get going to work. After church we stopped at Paneras since we wouldn't be having dinner for a while. I used to love Panera's but the one that just opened by my house is not very good. They were out of teabags. The iced tea was very weak. They forgot to give my mom the bread she bought. The one near my old work made the strongest ice tea I've ever had and this place makes the absolute weakest. Soon before dinner, Jess crashed. I'd tried to get her down for a nap before everyone came but she wouldn't have that.

Jason trying a Harry Potter jelly bean

Jess and Nana Ruth

Jess asleep on the chair before dinner

Jess at church before service

Jess and Jack

Jess and Nana Pat at Paneras