Time Flies When You're Having Fun!!!
Two years ago yesterday, a little girl was placed in my arms halfway across the world. Life hasn't been the same since*S* I was looking at baby pictures of her and it's hard to remember how little she was. I cannot believe how much she has grown. She's running, climbing, into everything (typical 3 year old*S*). She loves the Wiggles, Dora, Ni Hao Kai Lan, and Elmo. She likes to sing and dance. She knows her name is Jessica Kangchan Sullivan and she knows she came from China. She recognizes Keira from our travel group when we go onto looking at blogs (sometimes calls her "Keira with a K" to differentiate from "baby Ciara", one of my friend's daughter). While she isn't as clingy as she was, she is definitely a mama's girl. Lately, her favorite hairstyle is 2 braids (never thought her hair would get long enough for that!). Her favorite word is "Why?" She has questions about everything. She can't wait to go to California and talks about seeing Uncle Nicky there. This year, she loved Santa Claus (terrified the year before) and Halloween. She loves Jason who she refers to as "My Jason". She loves to pretend to talk on the phone and is frequently pretending to call Jason's friends Seamus or Colin, both who are very nice to her.
July 2008
The Little Angel 12/08
Searching for treasure on the map 1/09
Feeding baby Ciara 2/09
Look how our baby has grown!
Our first glimps of our new little girl. She's 8 months old in this picture.Gotcha Day 2007 - a few minutes after she was first placed in my arms
Gotcha Day Anniversary 2008
Gotcha Day Anniversary 2009