Our computer got a virus and all of my pictures were wiped from the harddrive by the Geek Squad when it was repaired. I was SO upset. So, I figured when I took these pictures I should upload them quickly so that if I lose them on my computer again, at least I know they're somewhere.
The school year is quickly coming to a close. Jason took his 7th grade finals last week. He was given two awards during the awards ceremony - one for reading 1000 pages each term and another for having exceptional insight. 7th grade was a tough year for him. He is finally being challenged academically and he's so used to just sailing by. These teachers made him really work hard which is what he needs.
Jess graduated from preschool. She loved preschool and is sad to see it end. She is excited about kindergarten though. She will be going to full day kindergarten next year. Our town is offering two classes for full day and there was a lottery. I'm so happy she got in. Given what our state requires be taught in kindergarten, I do not feel that all the requirements can be met at a developmentally appropriate rate in 2 1/2 hours. Jason went to private kindergarten because Plymouth didn't offer full day when he was 5.
Jess with Miss Donna, her preschool teacher.
The theme of their skit was going to the circus. Jess was a lion.
Nicky came home for a couple of days. Jess adores her uncle and was glued to his side. Patricia and her boyfriend, Joe, came down on Saturday and the 5 of us went to tea with my mom at our favorite tea room in town.