New Friends
Jason and I went to NOAH which is a no-kill shelter that brings cats to the Plymouth Petsmart for adoption. There were so many cute, cute cats and kittens. One was an American Shorthair which I'd never heard of before; they are like the domestic shorthair except they have a face like a persian - all smooshed in. He was adorable but already spoken for. Jason and I spent some time with Beanie and Cecil in a small room and decided that we couldn't choose between them - they were both coming home with us!! They were wrestling and cleaning each other - too cute!! They are 16 weeks old, have all their shots and have already been neutered.
We bought a couple toys, one of which is a fishing rod with a feather on the end. When we got home, Jason started playing with them and the cats were doing backflips trying to get the feather. He keeps saying that these are the coolest cats ever which makes me very happy. We are changing their names. Jason named one (we need to get collars to tell them apart) J.J. which he says stands for Jumbah (boobah) Jr. I prefer to think of it as standing for Jumbo Jr. which is Dumbo's real name and in keeping with our tradition of naming pets after Disney characters. I'm naming the other one but haven't decided on which name yet. I'm going to look up some of the older Disney characters and see if any jump out at me.
what gender are they?
They're both boys.
we got a new kitten a few months ago also, and named her Mushu - from Mulan! we love Disney, and wanted something Chinese oriented because technically, she's our new baby's kitty!
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