When I sent the carepackage to Jess at the orphanage, I included two disposable cameras which the nannies were wonderful enough to take pictures with and return to me. These pictures of her life before being with us are precious. I am very grateful for the time they took to do this for us and for her. She isn't smiling in the pictures that are taken face on and that hasn't changed. She is a very happy baby who loves to smile and laugh but pull out that camera and she goes all serious. I have to enlist Jason's help in making her laugh which is why a lot of my pictures have her looking off to the side rather than straight on.
Jess loves tapping and drumming on everything.
Practicing walking
Eating with the kids. Jess is against the wall. The little girl on the left of the picture is Bea who was adopted by the other family in our travel group.
Jess playing with a toy phone. She loves to hold phones up and babbles into them.
She loves touching the ceiling. Mike has to play this game as I can't get her high enough. Note the split pants.
Look at how round she is! They really bundle the clothes on.
I haven't let her go down slides on her own yet; I must be overprotective!
I think she probably weighs twice her actual body weight here with all those clothes on!
Playing with a fish. Red is a good luck color.
Doodling with a nanny
Jess loves music. Her favorite part of the music class I took her to was the drum.
Giving kisses.
Chinese New Year occured right before we got there. The red lantern is probably a decoration from that holiday because I don't remember seeing it when we went.
Jess in the ballpit. I haven't gotten up the nerve to bring her to one of these yet in the States. They just seem so dirty but I know kids love them.
Stacking blocks. I don't think she stacked the ones in front of her or she's been hiding that skill. She enjoys knocking down blocks and banging them together.
In the playhouse.
Wanting out of the crib.
Not looking too happy about being in the crib.
1 comment:
That is so fantastic that you have those pictures to share with Jess later on when she gets bigger. Have you heard from Chris and Debbie on how things are going with Bea?
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