Never Forget
Where were you when the world stopped turning
that September day?
Teaching a class full of innocent children
working on some stage in LA? - A Jackson
I had just finished doing calendar in my kindergarten class when my aide returned from the office and told me what happened. The teacher in the class next to me ran out; she was from New York and had family who worked at the Twin Towers. I didn't know anyone personally but I had coworkers from other jobs who lost people. Take a moment and say a prayer today for our country, our heroes, and the families who lost their loved ones.
My name is Carmen Pagano , I hope you don't mind that I am writing you....you see before we adopted our daughter Jianna from China 5 months ago. I had inquired about a Beautiful little girl on the Waiting list named Fu Kang Chan....well long story short....today I found myself thinking of her...so with a little research, I was lucky enough to find your blog.....She looks so Beautiful, so happy....I just remember having her Waitings Photo enlarged and on our fridge....for a week Me , my 2 boys and husband would look at her and wonder if we would be choosen to be her forever family...It saddened us all when we were not choosen.....however now we have our sweet Jianna and ....everything happens for a reason....I am so very happy to see your jessica....she is so adorable...please give her a kiss and hug from a women that at one time, for a short while....thought of her as her own.....
Take care
carmen pagano
Hi again
I guess its only fair that I give you my blog it liannarose.blogspot.com
Her name was gonna be lianna , but when we rec'd her referral and saw that her name was Jia we decide to make it Jianna......I know ....toooo much information : )
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