Sunday I took the kids to NH to bring Jason to camp. This is his third year at Calumet. I went there as a kid for 8 years. He wanted to go the first week this year so that he'd be there for his birthday because he'll get a small present (I think it's a camp water bottle). Before we dropped him off, we stopped at one of my favorite rib places in the world - Yankee Smokehouse (other favorite is Rendezvous in Memphis). The ribs were great as was the berry pie I had for dessert. After eating, we got to camp and got Jason registered. Once we got Jason settled, Jess and I headed for Storyland. They have a good deal where you go in after 3 and pay full price but get to go the next day for free. We got there around 3:15 and stayed until it closed at 6. The last thing we did at Storyland was go to the ballpit. I don't really like them and she's never been in one but she saw it and wanted to go. There were a couple of kids in it and she didn't know what to make of it as she tried to walk through the balls. After the other kids left, she didn't want to get out since she had it all to herself. Afterward, we checked into our motel and went looking for dinner. We ate at the Muddy Moose which was really good. I wanted to do some shopping at the outlets but since it was Sunday, everything closed at 6. The next morning we got up, checked out, ate at Peaches (awesome raspberry crepes!) and got to Storyland at 9. We went to see an imagination show with singing and dancing. Jess surprised me by getting up with the performers. She didn't want to go at first but as soon as she saw other kids going, she ran up. We stayed until about 12:30 before heading home. I discovered that I cannot go on tilt-a-whirl type rides anymore. I was fine until we did that; after going on the twirling turtles, I never felt the same for the rest of the day. It's a good thing Jess's big brother enjoys wild rides so she'll still have someone to go on with!
Kids outside the Yankee Smokehouse
Jess in a cage on the Safari ride
Chasing bubbles at the imagination show
Feeding popcorn to the panda bear
She wanted to know why she couldn't turn the pages of the book
She loved Humpty Dumpty
Riding the teacups (this ride I can still handle)
Riding a unicorn while waiting for the pumpkin coach to bring us to Cinderella's castle
i love the bubble photo!
-auntie jen
I love Yankee Smokehouse and Storyland! Muddy Moose is good too. I will have to try Peaches when we get a chance to go up again. I miss not having small kids anymore :( Enjoy then while you can!!
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