Sunday, April 17, 2011
The Start of April Vacation April vacation officially started at 3:31 on Friday afternoon. Saturday Jess had dance class which takes up a good part of the day. Last night Jason and I watched The Box - that is one messed up movie! Jason asked if I would touch the box and I said no - how could I be responsible for taking someone's life (if that person were endangering my family that would be another story but just a random person - no). At the beginning of the movie, Jason said he'd do it; by the end of the movie, he had changed his mind. The movie was a lesson in nothing is ever as easy as it sounds. Today was Palm Sunday. I dropped the kids at Sunday School and went to get some Easter candy. Then the kids and I went to church. Since it was Palm Sunday, the entire congregation went in as a procession. After church, we went to see the Easter Bunny at the local shopping plaze. Jason was less than thrilled but he posed for the pic because the alternative was no X Box time. Afterward, I dropped Jason home and Jess and I spent the rest of the day having fun. First we ate at Blue Blinds Bakery. I love their food; I had a capresse sandwich that was awesome and ginger brew (too gingery for Jess's taste). Jess ate my tomatoes and some apple juice. The bakery is owned by the Twelve Tribes which appears to be some sort of cult. After we finished eating, we headed to Plimoth Plantation. The Plantation is ridiculously expensive but thankfully, since we're residents, our annual pass is only $35. We more than get our money's worth out of it each year. We walked through the Wampanoag homesite and talked to some of the staffers working there and then walked over to the English village. We wandered around the houses for a bit and Jess got to see the animals which is her favorite part. She also enjoyed watching the potter making a watering pot in the craft center. We spent some time in their kids area which has puzzles, 17th century games, and a small housekeeping area. Then it was off to the beach. Jess rolled her pants up and off came the shoes and socks. The joy on her face as she played in the incoming waves was wonderful to see. She had so much fun. She's in the backyard next door now playing with our neighbor's daughters. She should sleep soundly tonight! Jason and Jess with the Easter Bunny
Jess watching the sheep at Plimoth Plantation. She baa'd at them and the one on the left turned around and baa'd back. It was hilarious.
Jess loves writing her name in the sand.
Running from the waves
Totally carefree
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