Baby Stuff
I'm in the middle of stenciling Meimei's room (once we decide on a name, I wonder if I'll have a hard time remembering not to call her Meimei). It's a slow process but it's coming along. Here's what it looks like. It's not the best picture but it gives the idea. Mike painted the walls a creamy yellow. The stencil is one of Home Depot's Disney Princess line (of course*S*).

Ladybugs are supposed to be good luck. People in the Chinese adoption community say that when you see a ladybug it means referrals are coming. I think ladybugs are cute and am starting to accumulate a collection of items. In this picture, you can see one of the many dresses I've bought so far (ladybugs are on the collar and hem), a stuffed lady bug, a ladybug wooden clacker (sitting on the yellow blanket), and two of the blankets I've made so far. The red and pink blanket was the second one I made at the sewing class that I took (the first blanket I made was for Jason); the yellow blanket is a fleece blanket that I fringed and tied the edges together. I really like make blankets (new baby shower gift idea to give people*S*).