Monday, August 21, 2006

I saw this on someone else's blog and thought it was cool since some people who stop by here don't really know me. On the other person's blog it was supposed to be 100 facts; I don't know that I can think of that many. I may add to the list as I think of things.

All About Me
  1. I've lived in MA all of my life except for 11 months I spent in southern CA (and the 2 months I went to school in HI missing the Blizzard of '78).
  2. I've been married for a little over 10 years.
  3. We have an 8 year old son who is going into third grade. We just found out that he got the teacher I was hoping for!!
  4. We had planned on going to Australia for our 10th anniversary; this was before deciding to adopt. Maybe when we hit 25.
  5. Growing up, I lived in a Cape Cod style house and swore that I wouldn't live in one when I was old enough to buy a house; that I wanted a Victorian. By the time I was old enough to have a mortgage, reality set in and I knew a Victorian was out of our price range. We have a very nice Cape Cod style house*S*
  6. I love, love, love to travel.
  7. I love planning vacations and am usually researching the next place I want to go (after China, maybe New Orleanss? But not during Mardi Gras - see number 8)
  8. I don't mind going to busy places but I can't stand obsenely huge crowds which is why Mardi Gras and Fan Fest (a week in June in Nashville) are out of the question for me.
  9. I am not fond of vacations where we sit on the beach and do nothing. Definitely Type A when it comes to going away - plans, schedules and on the go!
  10. Disney World is my favorite place in the world.
  11. Nashville is my second favorite vacation place with Vegas pretty close behind.
  12. I'd love to retire to Celebration, FL.
  13. I am obsessed with anything Disney.
  14. Our two cats are named after Disney characters (DH wanted to name them Whitey and Stripes; ended up with Jasmine and Ariel)
  15. I rarely wear makeup or earrings.
  16. I don't like the color orange.
  17. I don't like wearing high heels.
  18. My favorite shoes are my birkenstock sandals.
  19. I cannot carry a tune although I do sing for my students.
  20. I love scrapbooking.
  21. I recently learned how to sew.
  22. My first sewing project was a blanket for Jason.
  23. I've been friends with one of my friends for 34 years. Wow! Kindergarten was such a long time ago!!
  24. I don't do well with someone telling me I can't do something. Talk to me and let me know your feelings but don't ever think you can forbid me.
  25. I have a brother in California and a sister in MA. My sister spent 10 years in CA before returning home.
  26. I'm a cat person. Love me, love my cats (or in Mike's case, tolerate my cats).
  27. It drives me crazy when people refer to women who stay at home as full-time moms. There is nothing about my working that makes me a part-time mom. How come no one calls fathers who work part-time dads?

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